

Camp Juliette Low (CJL) is a private, non-profit summer camp for girls, managed by a dedicated Board of Trustees and experienced camp directors.


In the tradition of the camp’s founder, Juliette Gordon Low, who also founded the Girl Scouts, CJL has a simple goal: to provide girls with opportunities to become more competent and more confident with themselves, the outdoors, and life in general. CJL staff and campers also have a lot of fun in the process.


Check out the camp videos to virtually experience the sights and sounds of CJL. 



Camp Philosophy

We, the Board of Directors, Camp Committee, and Staff of Camp Juliette Low believe that this is a camp designed specifically in its facilities and operation to meet the needs of eight to seventeen year old girls. In order to attain our goal of developing the most appropriate and effective organization, it is important to incorporate the basic concern for the personal development of the whole child in a natural environment.  Thus, we strive to develop the personal and social growth of each camper while encouraging her to make continuous progress in skill areas.  


We believe in remaining constantly aware of meeting campers’ needs and adjusting our program to serve each camper to the best of our ability.


The all-encompassing goal of Camp Juliette Low is that each camper will grow through camp living physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually, each area permeating the total personal development of the camper. 


Our Goals

  • To live in, enjoy and appreciate the out-of-doors
  • To train girls in citizenship through the “give and take” of working together
  • To help each girl gain a stronger sense of responsibility for herself and others
  • To further introduce each girl to new skills and interests, or to further develop skills and interests so that she continually grows in the awareness of her abilities and successful experiences
  • To make each girl a healthier, happier and more self-confident individual



Natural Beauty

 Camp is located in one of the most beautiful spots in the southeast: the largely-undiscovered northwest corner of Georgia. The property is about 330 acres of mountaintop, encompassing a lake, several different kinds of forest, and nearly a mile of the East Fork of the Little River.


CJL’s less natural facilities include a large swimming pool, a dining hall, tennis courts, a climbing wall, an ever-growing ropes course with both low and high elements, a barn and riding ring, and many unit kitchens and cooking shelters. Our “Swinging” (suspension) Bridge over the rocky basin of Little River is a favorite among campers, staff and alumnae. The original Juliette Low Lodge, built in 1922, still stands at the center of camp, a testament to the camp’s history and traditions.


Living Arrangements

CJL is all about the outdoors. Our campers live in four-person platform tents grouped by age into units of about 28 girls. Four staff members live in their own tent in the center of each unit. Each unit has its own shower and toilet facility, as well as a sheltered fire area and a “unit kitchen” for cook-outs. The Facilities page will give you more information about the tents and other buildings around camp.



Campers may choose to attend one-week or two-week sessions during the summer. Experienced campers are welcome to combine several sessions and stay with us for up to eight weeks! For more information about what we do during one-week and two-week sessions, please see our Summer Sessions page


Click here to check out summer dates and fees.


The activities CJL offers focus on outdoor living skills and recreation: canoeing, archery, horseback riding, swimming, sailing, climbing wall, ropes course, crafts, tennis, and many others. See A Day in the Life for a glimpse of what goes on during a typical day at CJL.


We offer a special Parent-Daughter Weekend in the spring where we compress the fun and excitement of camp into just two days. This is a good way for young campers or uncertain parents to try out CJL.

Summer Office
321 Camp Juliette Low Road
Cloudland, GA 30731
Business Office
PO Box 5113
Marietta, GA 30061